**************************************************************** * * * C - W I N D O W * * * * screen formatting system for * * * * MS C, MS Quick C, Turbo C, Lattice C * * * **************************************************************** Release 1.0 (C) 1991, Ebnet Software D - 8000 Mnchen 70, Passauer Strasse 2 b, Tel. 089/7698755 - Germany - 1 Shareware ----------- This package contains release 1.0 of the utility C-WINDOW. All Rights are reserved. This software is being distributed as shareware. The release you have is free to use and to copy. Disclaimer of warranty. This software is provided without any express or implied war- ranties whatsoover. Because of the diversity of conditions and hardware under which this software may be used, no warranty for a particular purpose is offered. You are advised to test this software utility thoroughly before relying on it. The user must assume the entire risk of using this software. If you agree with the software tool C-WINDOW you should become a registered user for a charges of $ 49.--. If you do it you will get the following performances - the right to use C-WINDOW - the full release of C-WINDOW (with all C-memory-models) - user support - update service for the following releases for a charges of only $ 25.--. - an extensive user manual Just when there are fair users it will be possible to do a further development of C-WINDOW. You have the chance to test the software tool C-WINDOW. If you will use it in future you are expected to become a registered user. A registration form you can find in the file REGIST.FOR. You can get it by the DOS command PRINT. The release you have isn't a cripple ware. You can use the comple- te functions of C-WINDOW. In the shareware release you have, there is a copyright note at line 24 of all screen formats. 2 Format generator system UniForm --------------------------------- To generate the screen formats for C-WINDOW release 3.0 of the universal format generator UniForm is in this package. UniForm is an universal format generator for the application with C-WINDOW MS C, MS Quick C, Turbo C, Lattice C BASIC-WINDOW MS Basic, MS Quick Basic, Turbo Basic, Power Basic GW Basic, MS Basic Interpreter, Basica PASCAL-WINDOW MS Pascal, MS Quick Pascal, Turbo Pascal COBOL-WINDOW MS Cobol, MF VS Cobol, MF Level2 Cobol, MF Personal Cobol, MF Professional Cobol, Noweck Cobol (Shareware compiler) ASSEMBLER-WINDOW MS Assembler, MS Quick Assembler, Turbo Assembler FORTRAN-WINDOW MS Fortran CLIPPER-WINDOW Clipper 87, Clipper V5 Each of that products is available in a shareware release. You can get the full release for a charge of $49 for each product. Contents -------- 3 why C-WINDOW 4 how to use C-WINDOW 5 a simple sample 6 line up 6.1 system requirements 6.2 disc contents 6.3 software installation 7 format generation with UniForm 7.1 run mode 7.1.1 invoke format generator 7.1.2 adapt options 7.1.3 define format name and format size 7.1.4 edit format layout 7.1.5 define field names and attributes 7.1.6 format management 7.2 functional overview 7.2.1 main menu 7.2.2 adapt options 7.2.3 format layout 7.2.4 field names/attributes 7.2.5 show format 7.2.6 show source code 7.2.7 format contents 8 format application with C-WINDOW 8.1 run mode 8.1.1 source file standard include file variables definition file layout file parameters for subroutine call subroutine UNIF analyze return field 8.1.2 compile/link 8.1.3 program call 8.2. run compilerspecific 8.2.1 run in MS C, MS Quick C 8.2.2 run in Turbo C 8.2.3 run in Lattice C 9 run in an example 9.1 example "order" in MS C, MS Quick C 9.2 example "order" in Turbo C 9.3 example "order" in Lattice C 10 example for "dynamic attribute modification" 10.1 example "dynamic" in MS C, MS Quick C 10.2 example "dynamic" in Turbo C 10.3 example "dynamic" in Lattice C 11 cursor adressing 12 register form 3 Why C-WINDOW -------------- Its all the same. A comfortable user surface is absolutely necessary today. User programs as well as system programs needs with a monochrome display or a colour monitor a good layout to get a professional image. But - to program windows, menus and so on is relatively difficult and takes a lot of time. Moreover such routines should be implemented in a quick assembler coding. Indeed - a lot of reasons to integrate the screen layout into the program by a conform help. However, it is not so easy to find a conform tool. Often the tool is hardly to handle, the function extent is not sufficent, the user guide is bad or there are other reasons to be unsatisfied. And you can be shure that you can use the tool just in one compiler. C-WINDOW as an universal formatting system will help you in the future. The implemantation of a professional screen layout into your C programs will take at best a moment of time. C-WINDOW generates automatically a source code example when you generate a screen format. It's a help for professionals and beginners in C programming, too. Because of it's universal subroutine interface C-WINDOW can be used in all the usual C compiler. C-WINDOW is a complete solution for a screen management system and offers you the following highlights format generation - interactive format generation - mouse support - a lot of edit functions - alphanumeric numeric and selectable fields - variable field, text, frame and shadow attributes - format managemant options format application - format application in all important C compiler - format application with one subroutine call - automatic source example - windows, menus, popups, pulldowns ... - dynamic attibute modification - mouse support in the program - return of function key - support of monochrome and colour display 4 How to use C-WINDOW ------------------------- You define the format with the UniForm format generator (UNIFORM.EXE) in an interactive mode... in menu "main menu" - the format name - the format size in menu "options" - the compiler you want to work with - the directory for the format files - standard field names and attributes for fields, text, frame and shadow in menu "format layout" - the format layout with (without) variable fields in menu "field names/ attributes" - the field names and attributes of the variable fields You include into the source code - the standard include file for the used compiler - the variables definition file for the variable fields - the subroutine call with parameters You compile the source code and link it with the respective C-WINDOW interface module and start the program. In future in all your programs there will be a professional screen layout. A professional one like in the following example. - example for screen layout ͻ Compilieren Programm BEISPIEL ͻ 1 Datum 10 01 89 2ͻ Suchfĺ Datei Treffer 12ͻ Feldk Kataloge 4 I n f o !!!!!!! ĺ ͹ĺ ͹ͼ Schwere Fehler 22 ͻ 123 chte Fehler 1 000 Warnungen 0 ͼ Fehler !!! ͼ ͼ The screen formats in the manual are like on a monochrome monitor. 5 A simple sample ----------------- Mr. Adam plans to administrate his goods received in a little data base. Mr. Adam has visited a short traning in the C program language and intends to implement the program with the MS Quick C compiler. As a proud owner of the universal formatting system C-WINDOW Mr. Adam would like to have a screen format in the program ... Format generation After invoking UNIFORM.EXE Mr. Adam comes into the menu "main menu". He takes function key F8 and comes to the menu "options". There he defines - path c:\adam - compiler MS Quick C - field specifications for input field alphanumeric ! for input field numeric " for output field alphanumeric  for output field numeric $ for selectable field % - standard attributes for input field alphanumeric bright white on black for input field numeric bright white on black for output field alphanumeric white on black for output field numeric white on black for selectable field white on black - Standard attributes for text black on white for frame black on white After saving the options with F1 he returns to menu "main menu" by F8. The format name and format size he defines with ORDER, line 3 to 18 and column 5 to 70. After F1 Mr. Adam comes to menu "format layout". There is an empty screen with the choosen attributes for text and frame. He forms the screen layout with the key input and key functions like making vertical or horizontal lines, delete lines or columns or put on/off the frame around the picture. The variable fields he defines by the field specifications. Because Mr. Adam is not an experienced operator of UniForm sometimes he takes function key F9 to see the functional overview and the edit functions. Finally Mr. Adam saves the screen layout with F1 and comes into menu "field names/ attributes". Mr. Adam can modify the automatically defined field names and attributes of the variable fields. The first field gets the field name "product" and the attributes green on reed. He saves the field attribute with function key F2. The remaining variable fields get the field names "orderdate", "nr", "quantity" and "price" and the colour attributes white on red. After a check (F3 and F4) Mr. Adam is satisfied. He saves the screen format with function key F1. Mr. Adam comes back into menu "main menu". Now he can define new formats or use one of the format managemant functions like show formats, change formats, print formats, copy formats or look for a table of contents. Mr. Adam looks for the generated source example (function key ALT F3) and is surprised because of just a view lines of code. He omits for further functions and finishes the dialog with the UniForm format generator. In the defined directory he can find the generated format file (ORDER.BLD), the variables definition file (ORDER.H) and the layout file (ORDER.I) in the syntax of MS Quick C Format application Mr. Adam edits the program source. The source example is a great help for him. #include "_UFC01.H" #include "order.H" main() { FKZ=2; SM=0; memcpy(FMT,"order ",8); while(RET != 110) { #include "order.i" UNIF(&FKZ,FMT,order.&order.product,&RET,&SM,Daten); DB-PROCESSING FKZ=3; } } Following he compiles the program with the standard include file _UFC01.H and the include files ORDER.H and ORDER.I. The program "ORDER.EXE" will be generated. Mr. Adam calls the program ORDER. ͻ o r d e r ĺ articel PC TYP 123456-789 date 10 02 89 nr BST-3443344443 quantity 2 price 9123 38 ENTER save ESC ignore F10 program end ͼ The first time Mr. Adam made a program within a screen format! 6 Line up --------- 6.1 System requirements The minimal configuration is ... - IBM personal computer or 100 % compatible - 1 disc drive - MS-DOS, PC-DOS release 2.1 und higher or DR-DOS - C-WINDOW supports all the screen modes and all usual printers 6.2 Disc contents components for format generator UNIFORM.EXE format generator program UNIFORM.CFG configuration file components for MS C, MS Quick C UFC01S.OBJ interface module - model small _UFC01.H standard include file UFC013.C source example "order" UFC014.C source example "easy" UFC015.C source example "dynamic" components for Turbo C UFC02S.OBJ interface module - model small _UFC02.H standard include file UFC023.C source example "order" UFC024.C source example "easy" UFC025.C source example "dynamic" components for Lattice C UFC03S.OBJ interface module - model small _UFC03.H standard include file UFC033.C source example "order" UFC034.C source example "easy" UFC035.C source example "dynamic" for source examples ORDER.BLD Format file "order" MESSAGE.BLD Format file "message" TESTFMT.BLD Format file "testfmt" others REGIST.FOR register form HELP.TXT documentation (this file) 6.3 Software installation You can invoke the UniForm format generator form any directory on hard disc or floppy disc. We recommend to install the directory uniform (MD \uniform). Copy the files UNIFORM.EXE and UNIFORM.CFG into that directory. The components of C-WINDOW you copy into the C directory. 7 Format generation with UniForm -------------------------------- The format generation in UniForm is realized in an interactive mode. In every processing step there is a functional overview you can see by function key F9. 7.1 Run mode - Invoke format generator - Adapt options - Define format name and format size - Edit format layout - Define field names and attributes for variable fields - Start format management functions (option) 7.1.1 Invoke format generator UniForm always is to call from the installation directory. The configuration file UNIFORM.CFG must be in the same directory. We reccommend directory \UNIFORM. call: CD \UNIFORM UNIFORM 7.1.2 Adapt options With function key F8 you come to menu "options". In that processing step you modify the actual parameters and save it with F1. With F8 you return to menu "main menu". The configuration file UNIFORM.CFG will be updated with your change order. Options: path compiler printer field specification for alphanumeric input fields field specification for numeric input fields field specification for alphanumeric output fields field specification for numeric output fields field specification for selectable fields standard attributes for alphanumeric input fields standard attributes for numeric input fields standard attributes for alphanumeric output fields standard attributes for numeric output fields standard attributes for selectable fields standard attributes for text standard attributes for frame standard attributes for shadow For more information see 7.2.2. 7.1.3 Define format name and format size In the menu "main menu" you define the format name and save it with F1. If the format name is syntactical ok you have to define the format size. Save it with F1, too. For more information see 7.2.1. 7.1.4 Edit format layout In menu "format layout" you form the layout of the format, inside the defined borders. The variable fields you define with the appropriate field specification signs. For more information see 7.2.3. 7.1.5 Define field names and attributes In menu "field names/ attributes" you modify the field names and attributes of the defined variable fields. If there is an empty format (no variable field) that program step is not necessary. For more information see 7.2.4. 7.1.6 Format management Besides the function "new format" (F1) in menu "main menu" there are some more functions for format management. Take them whenever you want to. Format change and new attributes Format change and old attributes Format show Source code show Format print Source code print Format copy Format delete Format contents For more information see 7.2.1 to 7.2.7. 7.2 Functional overview 7.2.1 Main menu In menu "main menu" you take the function for format generation or format management. You have to define the format name and the format size. F1 Format new Creates a new screen format. The format name can be 8 bytes long. See for DOS conventions for file names. For the format size the following parameters are allowed. start line 0 to 22 end line 2 to 24 start column 0 to 77 end column 2 to 79 F2 Format change and new attributes Changing an existing format in the option directory. The attributes for text, frame and shadow in menu "options" are taken. ALT F2 Format change and old attributes Changing an existing format in the option directory. The attributes for text, frame and shadow in menu "options" are ignored. F3 Format show Display menu "format show". Shows the layout of an existing format in the option directory. ALT F3 Source code show Display menu "source code show" Shows a simple source sample in the syntax of the respective compiler. The source sample is generated in the file .SMP. F4 Format print Printing an existing format in the option directory. The created print file has the name .PRN. The output device you define in menu "options" (see 7.2.2). Logfile contents format name format directory column ruler format layout text area with field attributes frame area with field attributes variable fields with field name field size field attributes field length field type number of decimal digits F5 Format delete Deletes an existing format in the option directory. You have to acknowledge with F7. The following files will be deleted format file .BLD variable fields file .xxx (depending from compiler) layout file .xxx (depending from compiler) print file .PRN F6 Format copy Copies an existing format in the option directory. See for DOS conventions for file names. F7 Format contents Displays menu "format contents". Shows you all the existing formats in the actual option directory. F8 Options Displays menu "options". F9 Menu on/off Blank in/out the functional overview for menu "main menu". F10 Program end Stop UNIFORM.EXE. Return to DOS. 7.2.2 Adapt options In menu "options" you define all parameters for the UniForm format generator. In the following all the parameters are described. path Defines the option directory. All the format files, variables definition files, layout files and print files will be created in that directory. The input have to be an absolute path. compiler All the following compiler are supported. MS C MS Quick C Turbo C Lattice C printer Defines the printer interface for the functions "format print" and "source code print". LPT1 1. parallele printer interface LPT2 2. parallele printer interface LPT3 3. parallele printer interface COM1 1. serial printer interface COM2 2. serial printer interface COM3 3. serial printer interface input field alphanumeric Field specification, foreground and background attributes for alphanumeric input fields. In a monochrome mode only the foreground attribute is necessary. input field numeric Field specification, foreground and background attributes for numeric input fields. In a monochrome mode only the foreground attribute is neccesary. output field alphanumeric Field specification, foreground and background attributes for alphanumeric output fields. In a monochrome mode only the foreground attribute is necessary. output field numeric Field specification, foreground and background attributes for numeric output fields. In a monochrome mode only the foreground attribute is necessary. selectable field Field specification, foreground and background attributes for selectable fields. In a monochrome mode only the foreground attribute is necessary. text area Foreground and background attributes for text area. In a monochrome mode only the foreground attribute is necessary. frame area Foreground and background attributes for frame area. In a monochrome mode only the foreground attribute is necessary. shadow area Foreground and background attributes for shadow area. In a monochrome mode only the foreground attribute is neccessary. The following attributes for text, frame, shadow and variable fields are available. monochrome attributes invisible underlined normal bright, underlined bright invers blinking, underlined blinking blinking, bright, underlined blinking, invers colour attributes black blue green cobalt blue red violet brown white grey bright blue bright green bright cobalt blue bright red bright violet yellow bright white For the text area in the monochrome mode only the attributes "normal" or "invers" are allowed. F1 Save options Saving the actual screen options. The configuration file UNIFORM.CFG will be updated. F8 Main menu Return to menu "main menu". There is no backup of the options in the configuration file UNIFORM.CFG. F9 Menu on/off Blank in/out the functional overview for menu "options". F10 Program end Stop UNIFORM.EXE. Return to DOS. 7.2.3 Format layout In men "format layout" you edit the format layout with the normal cursor functions and special edit functions. Mouse support is realized, too. A format composes of text and field specifications for the variable fields (option). text area Text can be all signs of the ASCII-code (ALT 0 bis ALT 255) without the actually defined specifications for the variable fields. variable fields You define variable fields with the appropriate field specifications. You can modify the field specifications in menu "options". There is a maximum in field length for every type of a variable field. input field alphanumeric Alphanumeric input fields can be provided by the program and the keyboard. All the signs of the ASCII-code are permitted. generation standard field specification: ! lenght 80 signs in maximum examples ! 1 byte alphanumeric field !!!!! 5 byte alphanumeric field !!!!!!!!!! 10 byte alphanumeric field input field numeric Numeric input fields can be provided by the program and the keyboard. All digits and - (minus) are permitted. generation standard field specification: " lenght 16 signs in maximum for integers lenght 17 signs in maximum for floats (with decimal point) examples " 1 byte numeric field """"" 5 byte numeric field """""""""""""""" 16 byte numeric field ". " 3 byte numeric field, 1 decimal number """"".""""" 11 byte numeric field, 5 decimal numbers "".""""""""" 12 byte numeric field, 9 decimal numbers output field alphanumeric Alphanumeric output fields can be provided only by the program. All the signs of the ASCII-code are permitted. generation standard field specification:  lenght 80 signs in maximum examples  1 byte alphanumeric field  5 byte alphanumeric field  10 byte alphanumeric field output field numeric Numeric output fields can be provided only by the program. All digits and - (minus) are permitted. generation standard field specification: $ lenght 16 signs in maximum for integers lenght 17 signs in maximum for floats (with decimal point) examples $ 1 byte numeric field $$$$$ 5 byte numeric field $$$$$$$$$$ 10 byte numeric field $.$ 3 byte numeric field, 1 decimal number $$.$$$$$ 8 byte numeric field, 5 decimal numbers $$$$$$$$$.$$ 11 byte numeric field, 2 decimal numbers selectable field Selectable fields can be provided only by the program. All the signs of the ASCII-code are permitted. With selectable fields pull-downs or pop-ups can be realized. They have the text attribute, only when there is the cursor (or mouse) at this field, it will have the generated field attribute. generation standard field specification: % lenght 80 signs in maximum examples % 1 byte selectable field %%%%% 5 byte selectable field %%%%%% 6 byte selectable field You can see the functional overview and all the edit functions by function key F9. F1 Layout save Saves the format layout. A format composes of text and field specifications for variable fields. If there is an empty format (no variable field) you will return to menu "main menu." If there is a format within variable fields you will come to menu "field names/ attributes". F2 Show format size Shows you the format name and format size for the actual screen format. F3 Show cursor position Shows you the actual cursor position. F8 Main menu Returns to menu "main menu" without saving the format. F9 Menu on/off Blank in/out the functional overview for menu "format layout". F10 Program end Stop UNIFORM.EXE. Return to DOS. Edit functions Besides the described functions you can use a lot of edit functions. You get an overview with function key F9. ALT A Delete picture Deletes all the characters by SPACE. A frame retains. You have to acknowledge that function by F2. ALT B Delete picture from cursor Deletes in the rectangle after the actual cursor position all the characters by SPACE. A frame retains. You have to acknowledge that function by F2. ALT C Delete picture to cursor Deletes in the rectangle before the actual cursor position all the characters by SPACE. A frame retains. You have to acknowledge that function by F2. ALT D Delete line Deletes the whole line by SPACE. A frame in this line retains. ALT E Delete line from cursor Deletes the line after the actual cursor position by SPACE. A right frame in this line retains. ALT F Delete line to cursor Deletes the line before the actual cursor position by SPACE. A left frame in this line retains. ALT G Copy line Copies the actual line into the next line. ALT H Insert line Inserts a line (SPACE) after the actual line. All the following lines will be moved down. The last line is lost. ALT I Outsert line Outserts the actual line. All the following lines will be moved up. The last line is moved by SPACE. ALT J Delete column Deletes the actual column. A frame in this column retains. ALT K Delete column from cursor Deletes the actual column after the actual cursor position. A bottom frame in this column retains. ALT L Delete column to cursor Deletes the actual column before the actual cursor position. A top frame in this column retains. ALT M Copy column Copies the actual column into the next column. ALT N Insert column Inserts a column (SPACE) after the actual cursor position. All the following columns will be moved right. The last column is lost. ALT O Outsert column Outserts the actual column. All the following columns will be moved left. The last column is moved by SPACE. ALT P Horizontal Line Moves the actual line sign into the actual line. A frame retains. ALT Q Horizontal line from cursor Move after the actual cursor position the actual line sign into the actual line. A right frame retains. ALT R Horizontal line to cursor Moves before the actual cursor position the actual line sign into the actual line. A left frame retains. ALT S Vertical line Moves the actual line sign into the actual column. A frame retains. ALT T Vertical line from cursor Move after the actual cursor position the actual line sign into the actual column. A bottom frame retains. ALT U Vertical line to cursor Moves before the actual cursor position the actual line sign into the actual column. A top frame retains. ALT V Frame on/off Makes a frame around the picture or deletes it. The function "on/off" depends of the signs "" (single line) or "" (double line) at position . ALT W Shadow on/off Makes a shadow at th right side and the bottom of the format or deletes it. ALT X Single/ double lines Defines the actual line sign (single or double line). You can see the actual line sign in menu "edit functions". ALT YZ Make rectangle Makes a rectangle in the actual line sign. Put the cursor into the first coordinate and acknowledge with ALT Y. Then put the cursor into the second coordinate and acknowledge with ALT Z. 7.2.4 Field names/ attributes In menu "field names/ attributes" you can modify the field names and attributes of the variable fields. The function is an optional one. UniForm generates default field names and attributes. Youe can modify them, if you want to. default field name fld# (# is the field number beginning with 0). default attibutes in a monochrome display input field alphanumeric - bright output field alphanumeric - normal input field numeric - bright output field numeric - normal selectable field - normal default attributes in a colour display input field alphanumeric - bright white on black output field alphanumeric - bright white on black input field numeric - bright white on black output field numeric - bright white on black selectable field - bright white on black The maximal length for a field name is 15 characters. All the alphanumeric signs, - (minus) and _ (underline) are permitted. Please consider restrictions of the appropriate compiler. Dependig of the video mode you can modify the field attributes like the text and frame attributes. F1 Format save Saves the actual format and returns to menu "main menu". Creates the format file format.BLD, the variables definition file and the layout file (depending of the compiler) in the option directory. Updates the table of contents (UNIFORM.INH). If the format is the first one in the option directory UNIFORM.INH will be installed. F2 Field save Saves the field name and attributes for the actual variable field (marked by *) and goes to the next field. F3 Next field Goes to next field. F4 Previous field Goes to previous field. F5 Standard attributes all fields Moves the standard attributes for all fields depending of the field specification. F6 Standard attributes actual fields Moves the standard attributes for the actual field depending of the field specification. F8 Main menu Return to menu "main menu" without saving the format. F9 Menu on/off Blank in/out the functional overview for menu "field names/ attributes". F10 Program end Stop UNIFORM.EXE. Return to DOS. 7.2.5 Show format Im menu "show format" a screen format is shown with the text, frame, shadow and field attributes. F1 Show field significants/ layout Shows alternate the format layout or the field names and attributes of the actually selected field. F3 Next field Goes to next field. F4 Previous fueld Goes to previous field. F8 Main menu Return to menu "main menu". F9 Menu on/off Blank in/out the functional overview for menu "show format". F10 Program end Stop UNIFORM.EXE. Return to DOS. 7.2.6 Show source code In menu "show source code" an easy source sample in the syntax of the compiler you have generated a format will be displayed. If you want to have a source example in a different compiler you have to generate the format for this compiler, again. UniForm moves the source sample into the file .SMP. The only function in the easy source sample is to display the format onto the monitor. You have to compile and link the example and start the program in the normal way. F8 Main menu Return to menu "main menu". F9 Menu on/off Blank in/out the functional overview for menu "show source code". F10 Program end Stop UNIFORM.EXE. Return to DOS. 7.2.7 Format contents In menu "format contents" a table of all existing formats in the option directory is shown. In every option directory there is a file UNIFORM.INH. F8 Main menu Return to menu "main menu". F9 Menu on/off Blank in/out the functional overview for menu "format contents". F10 Program end Stop UNIFORM.EXE. Return to DOS. 8 Format application with C-WINDOW -------------------------------------- The display of a screen format with C-WINDOW you have created with UniForm is realized in just one subroutine call (subroutine UNIF). The subroutine is written in a quick assembler coding. As a result the run time is extremely short. All the functions which are necessary for a complete formatting system are implemented in this subroutine. It is output formatting, display output, cursor adressing, mouse adressing, input formatting and the return of the pressed function key code. All the files which are necessary are generated by UniForm. You have to integrate that include files into your program source. 8.1 Run mode You have to put the include files into your program source, then to provide the subroutine parameters and to call the universal subroutine UNIF. Further you have to compile and link the program with the respective interface module. 8.1.1 Source file - include standard include file - include variables definition file - include layout file - supply subroutine parameters - call subroutine UNIF - analyse return code Standard include file There is a standard include file for every C compiler. It contains of the definitions for subroutine parameters and the subroutine by itself (if it's necessary). For more information see 8.2. Variables definition file The variables definition file contains the definitions of all variable fields of a format in syntax of the appropriate compiler. UniForm creates this file whenever you define a format with the format generator (when there is at least one variable field). For more information see 8.2. Layout file The layout file contains the format layout of a screen format. UniForm creates this file whenever you define a format. To include the layout file into the program source is optional. All the format files .BLD have to be in the run directory when you haven't an include for the layout file in the program source. The format layout is read form the format files .BLD then. For more information see 8.1.3. Parameters for subroutine Before you call the subroutine you have to supply the parameters in the following order. function identifier FKZ format name FMT field name 1. variable field return feld RET cursor position SM format layout Daten function identifier FKZ You tell UNIF the function which is to do. The field FKZ is defined in the standard include file as a two byte integer field. 0 save actual screen return to the calling program 1 clear screen display format layout display variable fields wait for input return to the calling program after ENTER/ ESC/ f-key 2 display format layout display variable fields wait for input return to the calling program after ENTER/ ESC/ f-key 3 display variable fields wait for input return to the calling program after ENTER/ ESC/ f-key 4 display format layout of an empty format wait for input return to the calling program after ENTER/ ESC/ f-key 5 display saved screen 6 display format layout display variable fields return to the calling program 7 display variable fields return to the calling program 11 display format layout to LPT1 display variable fields to LPT1 return to the calling program 12 display format layout to LPT2 display variable fields to LPT2 return to the calling program 13 display format layout to LPT3 display variable fields to LPT3 return to the calling program 14 display format layout to COM3 display variable fields to COM3 return to the calling program 15 display format layout to COM3 display variable fields to COM3 return to the calling program 16 display format layout to COM3 display variable fields to COM3 return to the calling program 20 dynamic modification of a field attribute return to calling program 21 dynamic modification of the text attribute return to calling program 22 dynamic modification of the frame attribute return to calling program When you take function 11 to 16, print control characters in a format are possible. examples (for usual 9 needle printers) ALT 14 wide print for 1 line on ALT 20 wide print for 1 line off ALT 15 compound print for 1 line on ALT 18 compound print for 1 line off ALT 10 line feed ALT 13 carriage return If you want to change text-, frame, or field attributes (functions 20 to 22) the new attribute you have to provide in the parameter RET. The field number (function 20) you have to provide in the parameter SM (start with 0). example (attributes "red on white" for 5. variable field) FKZ = 20 FKZ for dynamic change of field attribute SM = 4 5. variable field RET = 244 code for "red on white" example (attributes "black on green" for Text area) FKZ = 21 FKZ for dynamic change of text area RET = 32 code for "black on green" example (attributes "blue on red" for frame area) FKZ = 22 FKZ for dynamic change frame area RET = 65 code for "blue on red" You can use the dynamic attribute modification only when you put the layout include file into your source file. All the possible attributes for the monochrome and colour mode you can find in appendix A3. format name FMT You tell UNIF the format name with the parameter FMT. The field FMT is defined in the standard include file as an eight byte character field. It must be justied right and paded by SPACE. field name of the first variable field You tell UNIF the first variable field with that parameter. If you take function 0, 4 or 5 you can take any variable field. Return field RET You get back the pushed botton selection or an error information in the parameter RET. The field RET is defined in the standard include file as a two byte integer field. Cursor position SM You tell UNIF the cursor position or get back it with the parameter SM. The field SM is defined in the standard include file as a two byte integer field. Put the number of the variable field into SM. Only unprotected fields (input fields and selectable fields) you have to count (start with 0). It's not possiple to adress the cursor to an output field. example (cursor to 1. input/selectable field) SM = 0 example (cursor to 5. input/selectable field) SM = 4 Further the parameter SM is used to tell the field number to UNIF when function 20 (change attribute of an variable field) is used. In this case you have to count all variable fields. Field Daten (format layout) You tell UNIF the format layout with the parameter Daten. The field Daten is defined in the standard include file as a four kilobyte character field. Uniform creates an include file to provide that field. You are not allowed to modify it! Call subroutine UNIF You have to call the subroutine UNIF in the syntax of the C compiler you use. For more information see 8.2. Analyse return field In the parameter RET there is the pushed botton selection after calling the subroutine UNIF. If there was an error there will be an error number. - key assignment ESC 99 ENTER 100 F1 101 SH - F1 111 F2 102 SH - F2 112 F3 103 SH - F3 113 F4 104 SH - F4 114 F5 105 SH - F5 115 F6 106 SH - F6 116 F7 107 SH - F7 117 F8 108 SH - F8 118 F9 109 SH - F9 119 F10 110 SH - F10 120 ^ - F1 121 ALT - F1 131 ^ - F2 122 ALT - F2 132 ^ - F3 123 ALT - F3 133 ^ - F4 124 ALT - F4 134 ^ - F5 125 ALT - F5 135 ^ - F6 126 ALT - F6 136 ^ - F7 127 ALT - F7 137 ^ - F8 128 ALT - F8 138 ^ - F9 129 ALT - F9 139 ^ - F10 130 ALT - F10 140 ALT - 1 141 ALT - 6 146 ALT - 2 142 ALT - 7 147 ALT - 3 143 ALT - 8 148 ALT - 4 144 ALT - 9 149 ALT - 5 145 ALT - 10 150 ALT - A 151 ^ - A 177 ALT - B 152 ^ - B 178 ALT - C 153 ^ - C 179 ALT - D 154 ^ - D 180 ALT - E 155 ^ - E 181 ALT - F 156 ^ - F 182 ALT - G 157 ^ - G 183 ALT - H 158 ^ - H 184 ALT - I 159 ^ - I 185 ALT - J 160 ^ - J 186 ALT - K 161 ^ - K 187 ALT - L 162 ^ - L 188 ALT - M 163 ^ - M 189 ALT - N 164 ^ - N 190 ALT - O 165 ^ - O 191 ALT - P 166 ^ - P 192 ALT - Q 167 ^ - Q 193 ALT - R 168 ^ - R 194 ALT - S 169 ^ - S 195 ALT - T 170 ^ - T 196 ALT - U 171 ^ - U 197 ALT - V 172 ^ - V 198 ALT - W 173 ^ - W 199 ALT - X 174 ALT - Y 175 ALT - Z 176 If there was pressed ESC (99) all the modifications of variable fields will be rejected. For pull-downs and pop-ups use selectable fields, please. There is the following rule. If there was ENTER or ESC from a selectable field (cursor position on that selectable field) there will be the return number n+200 (n = number of the unprotected (input fileld ord selectable field) variable field in the actual format). If you put a function key onto a markable field you get the return code of the key assignment. - Error returns format file not accessable 2 error in output formatting 3 wrong function identifier 4 printer not ready 6 transmission error to printer 7 paper end 8 printer busy 9 8.1.2 Compile/ link You have to compile your source code within the standard include file, the variables definition file(s) and the layout file(s). After this you have to link your object file(s) within the appropriate interface module of C-WINDOW. 8.1.3 Program call There are two possibilities to start a program with UniForm. variant 1 In variant 1 you put the format files .BLD into the run directory. It's not necessary to put the layout include(s) into the source code. You cannot use the functions 20 to 22 (dynamic attribute modification). variant 2 in variant 2 you put the layout include files into your source code (.xxx (depending from the used compiler)). The format layout is read from this area. It's not necessary to have the format files .BLD in the run directory. 8.2 Run compiler specific In the following you see all the important notes for all supported C dialects. An easy source sample shows you how C-WINDOW works. In that example the format "order" is displayed. After a function key input the program is finished. 8.2.1 Run in MS C/ MS Quick C Standard include file _UFC01.H format specific include files .H variables file .I format layout file UNIF subroutine call #include ".I" UNIF(&FKZ,FMT,&.field,&RET,&SM,Daten); compile compile with the include files link link within UFC01S.OBJ - model Small link within UFC01M.OBJ - model Medium link within UFC01C.OBJ - model Compact link within UFC01L.OBJ - model Large link within UFC01H.OBJ - model Huge source sample "ORDER.C" - display format ORDER compile: msc order /AS qcl /AS order.c link: link order ufc01s program call: order #include "_UFC01.H" #include "order.h" main() { FKZ=2; SM=0; memcpy(FMT,"order ",8); #include "order.i" UNIF(&FKZ,FMT,order.product,&RET,&SM,Daten); } variables file ORDER.H struct order { unsigned char product[20]; unsigned char orderdate[8]; unsigned char nr[20]; long quantity; float price; } order; Notes The variables you have to define global. Structure compression is not allowed (compiler directive /Zp). If you want to call your program in variant 2 you cannot take the characters ALT 0 and ALT 255. 8.2.2 Run in Turbo C, Turbo C++ Standard include file _UFC02.H format specific include files .H variables file .I format layout file UNIF subroutine call #include ".I" UNIF(&FKZ,FMT,&.field,&RET,&SM,Daten); compile Compile with the include files link link within UFC02S.OBJ - model Small link within UFC02M.OBJ - model Medium link within UFC02C.OBJ - model Compact link within UFC02L.OBJ - model Large link within UFC02H.OBJ - model Huge source sample "ORDER.C" - display format ORDER compile: tcc -ms -c order link: tlink c0s order ufc01s, order,order,,cs.lib program call: order #include "_UFC02.H" #include "order.h" main() { FKZ=2; SM=0; memcpy(FMT,"order ",8); #include "order.i" UNIF(&FKZ,FMT,order.product,&RET,&SM,Daten); } variables file ORDER.H struct order { unsigned char product[20]; unsigned char orderdate[8]; unsigned char nr[20]; long quantity; float price; } order; Notes The variables you have to define global. If you want to call your program in variant 2 you cannot take the characters ALT 0 and ALT 255. 8.2.3 Run in Lattice C Standard include file _UFC03.H format specific include files .H variables file .I format layout file UNIF subroutine call #include ".I" _UNIF(&FKZ,FMT,&.field,&RET,&SM,Daten); compile compile with the include files link link within UFC03S.OBJ - model Small link within UFC03P.OBJ - model Medium link within UFC03D.OBJ - model Compact link within UFC03L.OBJ - model Large source sample "ORDER.C" - display format ORDER compile: lc -ms order link: link s\c order ufc03s,order,order,s\lc program call: order #include "_UFC03.H" #include "order.h" main() { FKZ=2; SM=0; memcpy(FMT,"order ",8); #include "order.i" _UNIF(&FKZ,FMT,order.product,&RET,&SM,Daten); } variables file ORDER.H struct order { unsigned char product[20]; unsigned char orderdate[8]; unsigned char nr[20]; long quantity; float price; } order; Notes The variables you have to define global. If you want to call your program in variant 2 you cannot take the characters ALT 0 and ALT 255. 9 Run in an example -------------------- We want a little bit upgrade the example of chapter 5. After registering an item in menu ORDER a second screen format MESSAGE informs about the correct update in the data base. After ESC the last input is ignored. After F10 the program is finished. You will see the screen layout before calling the program again. How to generate format ORDER you can see in chapter 5. Some remarks to generate format MESSAGE. It is an empty format (there is no variable field). As a result there is no processing step "field names/ attributes". The subroutine have to be called by function identifier 4. The printed source code in the following listings represents a special release of the compiler. If there is some discrepance in your compiler it may be you have a different release. Look into your program user guide for more information. Because of a better understanding of the source codes there is a generally disclaim of the principle of structured programming. You can find the source samples and the format file ORDER.BLD and MESSAGE.BLD on your disc (see 6.3). So you can test the program in an easy way. The format layout is printed in the next figure. ͻ FORMAT ORDER article price ͻ quantity ۺFORMAT MESSAGE date ۺ number ۺdatabase ok ͼ ͼ 9.1 Example "order" in MS C/ MS Quick C /* variable fields */ #include "_UFC01.h" #include "order.h" main() { /* save screen */ FKZ = 0; UNIF (&FKZ, FMT, FMT, &RET, &SM, Daten); /* clear screen and display new format */ FKZ = 1; ORDER: memcpy(FMT, "order ", 8); #include "order.i" UNIF (&FKZ, FMT, order.product, &RET, &SM, Daten); /* same format when ESC */ if(RET == 99) { FKZ = 3; goto ORDER; } /* program end when F10 */ if(RET == 110) goto ENDE; /* display empty format */ FKZ = 4; memcpy(FMT, "message ", 8); #include "message.i" UNIF (&FKZ, FMT, FMT, &RET, &SM, Daten); /* display new format without clear screen */ FKZ = 2; goto ORDER; /* display saved screen */ ENDE: FKZ = 5; UNIF (&FKZ, FMT, FMT, &RET, &SM, Daten); } 9.2 Example "order" in Turbo C, Turbo C++ /* variable fields */ #include "_UFC02.h" #include "order.h" main() { /* save screen */ FKZ = 0; UNIF (&FKZ, FMT, FMT, &RET, &SM, Daten); /* clear screen and display new format */ FKZ = 1; ORDER: memcpy(FMT, "order ", 8); #include "order.i" UNIF (&FKZ, FMT, order.product, &RET, &SM, Daten); /* same format when ESC */ if(RET == 99) { FKZ = 3; goto ORDER; } /* program end when F10 */ if(RET == 110) goto ENDE; /* display empty format */ FKZ = 4; memcpy(FMT, "message ", 8); #include "message.i" UNIF (&FKZ, FMT, FMT, &RET, &SM, Daten); /* display new format without clear screen */ FKZ = 2; goto ORDER; /* display saved screen */ ENDE: FKZ = 5; UNIF (&FKZ, FMT, FMT, &RET, &SM, Daten); } 9.3 Example "order" in Lattice C /* variable fields */ #include "_UFC03.h" #include "order.h" main() { /* save screen */ FKZ = 0; _UNIF (&FKZ, FMT, FMT, &RET, &SM, Daten); /* clear screen and display new format */ FKZ = 1; ORDER: memcpy(FMT, "order ", 8); #include "order.i" _UNIF (&FKZ, FMT, order.product, &RET, &SM, Daten); /* same format when ESC */ if(RET == 99) { FKZ = 3; goto ORDER; } /* program end when F10 */ if(RET == 110) goto ENDE; /* display empty format */ FKZ = 4; memcpy(FMT, "message ", 8); #include "message.i" _UNIF (&FKZ, FMT, FMT, &RET, &SM, Daten); /* display new format without clear screen */ FKZ = 2; goto ORDER; /* display saved screen */ ENDE: FKZ = 5; _UNIF (&FKZ, FMT, FMT, &RET, &SM, Daten); } 10 Example "dynamic attribute modification" ------------------------------------------- With the functions 20 to 22 a dynamic change of the attributes for text, frame and variable fields is possible. You can use "dynamic attribute modification" only in variant 2 (run within the format layout file(s) in the source code). You have to make an include to the layout file. Then you make the statements for dynamic attribut modification. How that function works you can see in the following example. Format TESTFMT is displayed in the generated attributes for text, frame and the both variable fields fld0 and fld1 (black on white) first. The attributes for text, frame and the second variable field (fld1) are changed into "white on black". Finally the format is displayed with the changed attributes. In the follwowing you can see the respective source code for all supported compiler). You can find the source code and the format file TESTFMT.BLD on your disc, too. In the next figure you can see the format TESTFMT.  TESTFMTareallysimplesample  ͻ The uniform format generator system creates for every screen format a source file automatically... ͼ In this example there are two variable input fields. An alphanumeric and a numeric one. !!!!!!!!!!!! """"""" ܺ You return to DOS with ENTER or any other function key 10.1 Example "dynamic" in MS C/ MS Quick C #include "_ufc01.h" #include "testfmt.h" main() { #include "testfmt.i" /* normal output */ memcpy(FMT,"testfmt ",8); FKZ = 2; SM = 0; UNIF(&FKZ, FMT, testfmt.fld0, &RET, &SM, Daten); /* change attribute of field fld1 */ FKZ = 20; SM = 1; RET = 15; UNIF(&FKZ, FMT, testfmt.fld0, &RET, &SM, Daten); /* output with changed field attributes */ FKZ = 3; UNIF(&FKZ, FMT, testfmt.fld0, &RET, &SM, Daten); /* change text attribute and frame attribute */ FKZ = 21; RET = 15; UNIF(&FKZ, FMT, testfmt.fld0, &RET, &SM, Daten); FKZ = 22; RET = 15; UNIF(&FKZ, FMT, testfmt.fld0, &RET, &SM, Daten); /* output with changed text and frame attribute */ FKZ = 2; UNIF(&FKZ, FMT, testfmt.fld0, &RET, &SM, Daten); } 10.2 Example "dynamic" in Turbo C, Turbo C++ #include "_ufc02.h" #include "testfmt.h" main() { #include "testfmt.i" /* normal output */ memcpy(FMT,"testfmt ",8); FKZ = 2; SM = 0; UNIF(&FKZ, FMT, testfmt.fld0, &RET, &SM, Daten); /* change attribute of field fld1 */ FKZ = 20; SM = 1; RET = 15; UNIF(&FKZ, FMT, testfmt.fld0, &RET, &SM, Daten); /* output with changed field attribute */ FKZ = 3; UNIF(&FKZ, FMT, testfmt.fld0, &RET, &SM, Daten); /* change text attribute and frame attribute */ FKZ = 21; RET = 15; UNIF(&FKZ, FMT, testfmt.fld0, &RET, &SM, Daten); FKZ = 22; RET = 15; UNIF(&FKZ, FMT, testfmt.fld0, &RET, &SM, Daten); /* output with changed text and frame attribute */ FKZ = 2; UNIF(&FKZ, FMT, testfmt.fld0, &RET, &SM, Daten); } 10.3 Example "dynamic" in Lattice C #include "_ufc03.h" #include "testfmt.h" main() { #include "testfmt.i" /* normal output */ memcpy(FMT,"testfmt ",8); FKZ = 2; SM = 0; _UNIF(&FKZ, FMT, testfmt.fld0, &RET, &SM, Daten); /* change attribute of field fld1 */ FKZ = 20; SM = 1; RET = 15; _UNIF(&FKZ, FMT, testfmt.fld0, &RET, &SM, Daten); /* output with changed field attribute */ FKZ = 3; _UNIF(&FKZ, FMT, testfmt.fld0, &RET, &SM, Daten); /* change text attribute and frame attribute */ FKZ = 21; RET = 15; _UNIF(&FKZ, FMT, testfmt.fld0, &RET, &SM, Daten); FKZ = 22; RET = 15; _UNIF(&FKZ, FMT, testfmt.fld0, &RET, &SM, Daten); /* output with changed text and frmae attribute */ FKZ = 2; _UNIF(&FKZ, FMT, testfmt.fld0, &RET, &SM, Daten); } 11 Cursor adressing ------------------- There is the following setting for cursor and mouse in C-WINDOW. - left arrow key Cursor left - right arrow key Cursor right - home Cursor to field beginning - end Cursor to field end - down arrow key Cursor to next field - up arrow key Cursor to previous field - page down Cursor to next field - page up Cursor to previous field - back slash Delete character - del Delete character - ins (Mode) Insert character - mouse key left Cursor to mouse pointer - mouse key right Cursor to mouse pointer and return to the calling program (return ENTER (RET = 100)) - sign at field end Cursor to next varaible Field - SPACE in numeric fields Accepted before decimal point Replaced by 0 after decimal point To Ebnet Software D-8000 Mnchen 70 Passauer Strasse 2 b West Germany REGISTRATION/ PURCHASE ORDER - Software utility C-WINDOW ------------------------------------------------------------ Please send me (us) the software utility C-WINDOW for a charge of $ 49.--. I take the folowing payment: ( ) cheque payment ( ) transfer to the following bank account: Postgiroamt Mnchen West Germany bank number 700 100 80 account number 418194-800 ( ) cash on deliver ( ) in Germany $ 3.-- ( ) from abroad $ 6.-- disc format: ( ) 5.25 inch disc ( ) 3.5 inch disc $ 2.-- For a registrated user you will get an information of a new program release automatically. You can order it in an update service for the special price of $ 25.--. User support is possible for registrated users exclusively. Sender: Date/signature: .............................